BMS Summer School 2022 "Geometry and Topology in a Discrete Setting" will take place 23 May to 3 June 2022 at Zuse Institute Berlin ZIB. BMS Summer School 2022 will be held as an in person event.
The summer school will introduce participants to mathematics at the confluence of discrete mathematics, geometry, and topology. The focus will be on recent work that exhibits the hidden geometry and topology of combinatorial problems.
The school covers two weeks. The main format consists of three lecture series, each of which is dominated by 1-hour lectures by international experts. These are accompanied by problem-solving session and more research-focus talks.
Lecture Series
Pavle Blagojević (FU Berlin/ Mathematical Institute of the Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts): Equivariant topology in discrete geometry
Florian Frick (Carnegie Mellon University/ FU Berlin): Intersection results in convex geometry
Shira Zerbib (Iowa State University): Fixed point theorems and their combinatorial applications
Invited Speakers
Ron Aharoni (Technion)
Imre Bárány (Renyi Institute Budapest), to be confirmed
Giulia Codenotti (Universität Frankfurt)
Eran Nevo (Hebrew University of Jerusalem)
János Pach (Renyi Institute Budapest/ IST Austria)
Günter M. Ziegler (FU Berlin)
A final schedule will be published in March/ April 2022.
Participants need to be comfortable with the foundational topics of the usual undergraduate math curriculum. Some knowledge of either combinatorics or discrete geometry is recommended. Additionally, some knowledge of topology is recommended. The lecturers will provide a few video segments with a concise introduction to the necessary topology ahead of the Summer School.
Registration/ Application
The deadline for applications via the BMS application portal expired on 15 February 2022. Funding decisions will be taken in early March. Selected students will be informed about their funding decisions accordingly.
Information for local students
You may receive pass/ fail credit for this Summer School as an FU Ergänzungsmodul (5 LP). If you would like to receive credit, you will be asked to write a short report after the Summer School as a final project. The two-week period of the Summer School is during the semester; some related classes at FU Berlin will be put on hold to minimize conflicts. Moreover, lecture materials will be made available to participants so that they have the opportunity to review lectures they had to miss due to possible time conflicts.
Please direct all questions about the school to
Time & Location
May 23, 2022 - Jun 03, 2022
Zuse Institut Berlin
Takustr. 7
14195 Berlin
Please find homepage of BMS Summer School 2022 here.